Oh Mini :-)

Oh Mini :-)
Get this mini dress now at www.chicfatale.com

Shop Chic Fatale Fashion

Shop Chic Fatale Fashion
Check out our latest collection for the month of October. Wear Pink and save lives

Shop & Save Lives

Shop & Save Lives

Chic Fatale Fashion supporting the PINK


Chic Fatale Fashion is now offering limited time only items in the effort to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Shop http://www.chicfatale.com under the “Breast Cancer Month” category!

Breast Cancer affect many lives each year and for the whole month of October we celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month to bring more light to the subject and get more people involved. Chic Fatale Fashion wanted to be a part to make a difference in the search off the continuous effort of finding a cure the end this deadly disease. Chic Fatale Fashion have partner up with many big manufactures to bring you limited time only items for the month of October to help bring more awareness to the topic. In addition a portion of the proceeds from these items will go towards finding a cure for Breast Cancer to the Susan G. Komen foundation.

It does take a lot to help, the little that we each can do can make a big difference to the lives of other, Chic Fatale Fashion is aware of that. We have 15 items dedicated to Breast Cancer Awareness Month, these 15 items range in the prices of $8.99 to $79.99 which can be found at www.chicfatale.com the “Breast Cancer Month” category. Because we didn’t have a large array of items, we tried to vary the items as much as we could from jewelry, to fashionable clothes and shoes. There is something for everyone and even if it’s not your taste, get it for someone and support a great cause.

Red & Grey Metallic Prints

Only $14.99 at www.chicfatale.com

There’s something sexy about these pants, find out when you get them and put them on. Get it today only few sizes left www.chicfatale.com

Red/Grey Metallic Prints.

Chic Fatale Fashion…Dress like the stars


They say a picture is worth 1,000 words, so what does this picture say??? When I say this dress on Kelly Rowland from Destiny Child the she worn to the Grammy this year…I thought she look stunning and I knew I just had to have this dress on my inventory. And so it shall be, dress will be available on the site after my show Chic Fatale Fashion present Spring Fiasco May 5th, 2013  $49.99 for this beautiful stunning dress at www.chicfatale.com I just love this…Dress Like the Stars with Chic Fatale Fashion