Easter Sunday Fashion

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Easter Sunday 4/20/2011 the day that everyone goes to church and left they weekly church goers like myself having to hunt for parking spot lol. It’s a tradition of mines every since growing up to dress up and look nice on Easter Sunday. Well I look nice daily as every woman should however I go a little extra on that day. To me that is the day that Jesus live, rose from the dead and defeated Satan to save our soul. You don’t have to be super religious to know there is a higher power besides yourself. Above it’s my little man Preston rocking his suite and looking like a little model. He is only two and he could pose for you all day with that big smile on his face.

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My make up was light, day look. I uses illuminating face protector from Avon to protect my face (I use this every time before applying make up), Matte crème from Mac (to allow the make up to sit in well), for my face, I use Revlon Nearly Naked Foundation for oily skin #340 (for my day look) and for my night look I uses MAC Studio Fix Fluid Foundation #NC50. Why is because in the day when I put on make-up it’s normally not for long, couple of hours max then I come home and was it off, I also notice my skin produces a lot of oil in the day versus night, so the Revlon work best to keep that under control. For night I am normally out for longer period of time, MAC foundation is long lasting, that’s why I normally go for it. The difference in price for those two Mac is about $25 -30 for Foundation Revlon is about$10-15.

For powder for the day I use Revlon Nearly Naked Deep powder #050 about $10, at for night I use Mineralize Skin Finish Natural Deep powder about $25. For the same purpose as day and night sample above. The blush is from Avon and it’s True Color T 310 Rose Lustre $7-10, also from Avon lipstick Ever Lasting Mauve Ice $5-8

MAC can be found at any Macy’ store, Revlon at any Walgreens, Wal-Mart, Avon from http://www.avon.com or contact a local Avon representative

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As far as my hair, last year March I chopped it off because I wanted to give my hair a break from relaxing and blow drying and all the mess we put in our hair to make it look good. I’ve been rowing it out natural since, I use protective styles as far is braiding or adding hair extensions on sew-ins to grow it out. So it’s bee growing and I’m giving it a little break from protective styling the rest of April. However, natural hair just like any other hair is hard to maintain, you have to keep it moisturize at all time and you must twist it up at night for it to look decent in the morning and also to keep the soft texture of your hair. So for this look, I had twist it up before bed, when I woke up, I untwist them and come through them to give a curly/afro look and with two bobby pins, I push the side back and pin it down.


As far as my dress it’s Calvin Klein spring collection very inexpensive if you find it at store like TJ Maxx, Marshalls and even better Burlington Coat Factory. This was $39.99

That was my Easter Sunday Look I hope you enjoyed it…..